Sad in many ways. Beautiful in many others. Wonderfully captures that all too hard to describe limbo of growing up. The aesthetics and score of this are fantastic and I couldn't help feeling nostalgic for a time I usually try to forget. It's difficult to capture a mood or a life stage well, particularly at this age and Sciamma does it wonderfully.
好惨...我都多久没看过无字幕的电影了……还好是我喜欢的片子如果是垃圾片可能就要崩溃了很久没看过这种藏在柜中压抑又克制的爱了多少有点心惊胆颤...直男们问细节的时候快吐了又觉得无比真实小女友的信和她长得一样动人 - 平铺直叙、望眼欲穿、又生动可爱的爱啊…“do u love her” “I am very fond of her”真是个糊弄学大师哈哈哈哈…啊看得我好想谈恋爱了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈